Frequently Asked Questions

Do you work with other agents?

Yes, absolutely.

If a local agent has a qualified buyer who is genuinely interested in your property, and that buyer feels more comfortable working with their agent, then I will happily work with the agent and buyer for you.

I believe that agents should work together to ensure the best possible results are achieved for all involved.

Why do you operate the way you do?

Amongst the sea of real estate agents out there, I deeply assessed the gaps in the client experience and noticed that nobody has ever provided a solution to truly empower people to their own property, with a full service to support them. My service certainly isn’t for everyone, although over the years, it’s certainly been a helpful option for many happy sellers.

How do you market homes so professionally without charging me a fortune?

I do not add any profit margins on top of the marketing amount which you invest in.

I also don’t have the huge financial overheads that many agencies have, therefore there is no need to charge a higher rate.

Plus, I have thankfully met and become close with some of the best photographers, copywriters, floor planners, videographers, and designers across Melbourne, and they don’t charge me an arm and a leg for great service!

What are some questions that I can ask myself when selecting an agent?

Let’s be honest here, if you’re looking to sell your property, the chances are that you will seek advice from multiple agents/agencies. Rightfully so!

When you meet with them, the services and marketing options presented to you don’t seem to differ much from each other, so ultimately, your decision comes down to a few key points:

  • Who do I truly trust to be dealing with my winning buyer?

  • Who seems like they will genuinely do what they say they’re going to do, and how can they be held accountable?

  • How can I ensure that I will be protected by the tricks, traps, and unethical strategies out there?

  • Who do I get along with the most?

  • Who has clearly demonstrated the most competency, skillset, passion, authenticity, transparency, and clarity on the process?

Are you a licensed estate agent?

Yes. My license number is: 086058L